Sunday, September 4, 2011

Homeade Cards: 1/3

 Email is nice, but there's just something about getting a hand written note in the mail. Something solid, something you can hold in your hand. The big filing cabinet in my closet is filled with Christmas cards, letters from friends, birthday cards, and many other little memories. And the unique things about each letter reminds me of my dear friends who sent them. I remember the one time a friend sent me a card that had been hand made in the country from which her family was adopting two little boys. And my pen-pal whose envelopes always come covered in stickers and funny doodles. So these next three posts I dedicate to those friends who send me little envelopes full of sunshine, and make my life a little sweeter. :-)

On my last birthday my grandma and grandpa sent me a little box filled with treasures and wrapped up in the cutest wrapping paper I had ever seen. Being the silly girl that I am I carefully unwrapped my gifts and saved the wrapping paper until I could find something to use it for. Finally (months later), I had an inspiration. I cut out the adorable little woodland creatures and made cards! And so with no further ado, I give you:

Card making: Using wrapping paper.

The next couple pics are of a few different styles that I did.

I call this one the "Cut and Paste." Simply cut out the paper around the image and paste to the card. I also drew a border on mine.

This is the "Window." There's a tutorial on this one below.

This one is basically the same as the "Cut and Paste." The only difference is that I cut a square of a contrasting color wrapping paper and pasted that below the design.
Tutorial for Window Cards:

Step 1: Cut out your designs from the wrapping paper.

Step 2: Cut out card stock slightly less than twice the width of your choice envelope and slightly less than twice the length. Step 3: Fold card in 1/2.
Step 4: Cut out a rectangle/square of a contrasting color of construction paper. Make sure that this rectangle is bigger than your design. 

Step 5: (No pic). Mark a rectangle slightly SMALLER than your design on your construction paper.

Step 6: Cut out the inner rectangle. (Note: You could skip this step and paste the design on top of the rectangle, I just like to do stuff the hard way ;-)).

Step 7: Paste down design.

Step 8: Paste down your window.
And voila! You have a cute personal card to send to a friend!

And because I just happened to have a picture I give you. . . Messy desk. :-)

Thank you all so much for reading this blog post. Have a wonderful Labor day!

Bible Verse: 
Galatians 3:8
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."


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