Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A rambling post about everything

Summertime is busy time here in central Ohio. This past weekend my family went on a retreat at Camp McPherson with our 'Faith Group' (the equivalent of a small group). Everyone had a blast and enjoyed fellowship time with other believers.

The water in the pool may have been the coldest water I ever swam in.

Right before we left for the retreat I finished sewing my new swimming suit! I made a suit with the same pattern last year (see HERE) and really liked it. There's a link to the site where I got my pattern on my side bar.

For those of you who asked about our cats, Christmas and Sunday, they are doing well. Christmas decided that one kitten wasn't enough and is now expecting again. Anybody want a kitten? Here are some pictures:


Here are all of us kids at the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakanetta, Ohio on July 8th.   

Earlier, in June, sis-M had a tea party with some of the girls from our church. They decorated cupcakes, made jewelry, and be-jeweled cardboard crowns.

And who wouldn't want to see a picture of a cute baby?

(2 1/2 mos.)

I will be trying to post more frequently in the future. It seems to me that on those days when my time is free and I wonder what I should do, making a blog post is one of the last things I think of. . . We'll have to see if we can change that. :-) Also I would like to do some more posts that are simply writing. I have a couple of topics brewing in the back of my mind. I just need to put them into more concise thoughts.

What have you been doing with your summer so far? Drop me a line in the comment box. I'd love to hear from you.

Bible Verse:  Proverbs 17:17---A friend is always loyal,and a brother is born to help in time of need.


Sarah :-)


  1. Sarah, I love your swimsuit! Hopefully I can make one like it for next year.
