Monday, July 23, 2012

Choral Camp 2012

* Note, I did not personally take all of the following photographs. Please accept credit for any photos that are yours.
The staff.
Choral Camp was so much fun this year! I was so blessed to have the opportunity to take part in the camp as a counselor. It was so good to see some old friends and make a lot of new ones. I was thinking over the week and honestly I can't think of one single person from camp that I wouldn't truly enjoy spending a day with. I spent five days with these people, and I still love every one of them. That's saying something about just how special these people are.

 Being a counselor is definitely a different experience than being a camper. In a way I miss the easy going days and lack of responsibility. But in another way I wouldn't go back for the world. I love this life that I am living today, grown up responsibilities and all. I love being a part of these kids' lives. And I hope they learned half as much as I did this week.
The incredible little girls that I got to spend the week with.

Some of the other counselors on my hall.
 My favorite thing every year is seeing the unapologetic praise that these kids give. It's hard for me to not be self conscious about who's looking at me or who's listening, but when I look around me I see that the only thing these kids are really thinking about is Jesus and the music.

The end program.
 Ahh, and don't forget the activities. The shaving cream fight, the soap and water slide, the carnival, Super Games, the hymn sing. Every day has something fun.
Shaving cream!
The only downside? Saying goodbye.

I think this picture sums up the whole week.

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world." - Anne of Green Gables

(Most of) the guys.

Thank you for all the memories!


 Bible Verse: "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" -Psalm 133:1

L-R: Me, Zeke, Danny, and Andy.


  1. Sarah! I miss you already! I wish camp would be longer! This post is awesome(:
    Love Noel(:

  2. You did a great job summing everything up... makes me want to cry! love you! - Kirsten
